
© 2018
Welcome Curriculum Vitae Bibliography References

Academic Career


1974 - MA from the Universiry of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"; Master Thesis on Arabian Elements in the Work of Abdurrahman Sheref "Tārīh-i Devlet-i Oṯmāniyye" (‘History of the Ottoman State’); Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Boris Nedkov

1978-1982 - Regular graduate student at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

1982 - PhD degree magna cum laude, Humboldt University of Berlin. Doctor Thesis on The Rise and Development of the Ottoman-Turkish Paleography and Diplomatics. A Scientific-Historical Examination under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. György Hazai, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Academic Employment

1982-1991 - Research Associate at the Institute of History, BAS.

1991 - Habilitation (Assoc. Prof.) for History after having submitted the research work Diplomatics of the Mediaeval Sources. Documents of Rulers.

1991 - Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of History, BAS.

1992-2020 - Head, "Auxiliary Sciences of History and Informatics" Department of the Institute of History, BAS.

1993-2012 - Deputy Director of the Institute of History, BAS.

2004 - Visiting Professor for the summer term at the Vienna University, Institute for East European History (Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte an der Universität Wien).

Academic Qualification

Academic degree and position

2004 - D.Sc. degree after defended a Dissertation on Cumanology. An Attempt at a Historiographical-Receiptivistical Analysis of the Researches on one Disappeared People.

2005 - Full Professor at the Institute of History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Membership in scientific bodies and societies

1992 - Member of the Specialized Council for New and Modern History at the Supreme Testimonial Committee of the Council of Ministers (1992-1995, 1998-2004).

1993 - Member of the Scientific Council at the Institute for Historical Research, BAS (to date).

1995-2004 - Board Member of the Humboldt-Union in Bulgaria as Head of the Humanities Section; Vice-President of the Union in 2000-2001.

2002 - Member of the Commission for South-Eastern European History at the "Pro-Oriente" Foundation, Vienna. (to date)

2005 - Chairman of the Bulgarian part of the Bulgarian-Hungarian Joint History Commission (to date).

2006 - Member of the Bulgarian Historical Society (to date).

2006-2009 - Vice-President of the Scholarly Commission in Historical Sciences of the Supreme Testimonial Committee of the Council of Ministers.

2009-2011 - Chairman of the Publishing Council of the National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries of Bulgaria".

2010-2011 - President of the Scholarly Commission in Historical Sciences of the Supreme Testimonial Committee of the Council of Ministers.

2021 - Chairman of the "Humanities and Social Sciences" section of the Humboldt Union in Bulgaria (continued).

Member of the editoral boards of the following periodicals

Fellowships in Foreign Countries

1989-1990 - Ruhr University of Bochum, West Germany, 14 months with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship.

1994 - Vienna, Austria, 1 month with 'Constantin Jireček' Fellowship of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research.

1995 - Vienna, Austria, 2 months via the Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies.

1998 - Vienna, Austria, 2 months via the Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies.

2001-2002 - Eastern Europe Institute at the Free University of Berlin, Germany, 9 months with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship.

Research Projects

  1. Elaboration of methods and criteria for an individual evaluation of scholars at the Institute of History - BAS (Sofia, 1994).
  2. 50 Years Institute of History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, 1996-1998).
  3. Society and Confession in South-Eastern Europe, 1989-1997: The Moslems in Bulgaria (Vienna, 1998-2001).
  4. Studia in Honorem Professoris Verae Mutafčievae (Sofia, 2000-2001).
  5. Project Turk (Ankara, 2002).
  6. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of the new Web Site of the Institute of History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, 2005-2006, 2010).
  7. Bulgaria on the Road: Church - State - Society (Graz-Sofia, 2007-2008).
  8. From National State to the European Union: Bulgaria and Hungary during the 20th Century. A Project of the Institute of History and the Institute of Political Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia - Budapest, 2007-2009).
  9. Cumanology: Historiographical Sketches (Sofia, 2009-2010).
  10. Remaking Eastern Borders in Europe: a net-work exploring social, moral and material relocations of Europe's eastern peripheries (European Science Foundation, COST Action IS0803, Management Committee Member, Brussels, 2009-2012).
  11. Central and South-East Europe in the 19th-21st Century: Regions, Borders, Societies, Identities. A Project of the Institute for Historical Studies at the BAS and the Institute of History at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia - Budapest, 2010-2012).
  12. Valeristica Polyhistorica. Selected Contributions to Border Studies of History (Sofia, 2011-2012).
  13. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of a Personal Web Site (2012).
  14. Shared Pasts in Central and Southeast Europe: New Sources, New Approaches. A Project of the Institute for Historical Studies at the BAS and the Institute of History at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (Sofia - Budapest, 2013-2015).
  15. Proto-Bulgarica Digitalis: Homeland and Origin. Problems of Identification of the Bulgarians in the Context of the Eurasian Ethno-Cultural Processes. Digitalization of Research Works and Development of an Online Database (2014-2015).
  16. Connected Histories: Sources for Building History in Central and Southeast Europe, 17th - 21st Centuries. A Project of the Institute for Historical Studies at the BAS and the Institute of History at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia - Budapest, 2016-2018).
  17. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of a Web Site of the "Auxiliary Sciences of History and Informatics" Department (2016-2017).
  18. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of a Web Site of the "Bulgarian Historical Review" Periodical (2017-2018).
  19. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of a Web Site of the "Historical Review" Periodical (2017-2018).
  20. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of the new personal Web Site "Valeristica" (2018).
  21. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of Web Site for publications on history "ClioMania" (2021)
  22. Project, graphical arrangement and construction of a Web Site of the "Proceedings of Institute for Historical Studies" (2025)

Fields of Scholarly Interests

  1. Auxiliary Sciences of History (Paleography and Diplomatics); History and Theory of the Script and the Writing Systems; Onomastics (Ethnonymics and Anthroponymics); Chronology.
  2. History, Historical Ethnology and Anthropology; Border Studies.
  3. Ottoman and Turkic Studies; Altaic and [Proto]Bulgarian Studies; Medieval Equestrian Peoples; Cumanology.
  4. Central Asia and Eurasia; East and South-Eastern Europe; Balkans.
  5. Nations and Minorities - Identification and Integration Problems; European Muslims.

Teaching Experience

1990-1998 - High Islamic Institute, Sofia. Lectures on "General History" (Theoretical Problems; Prehistory; History of the Ancient East).

2004 - University of Vienna / Universität Wien:

2005 - St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Center for Eastern Languages and Cultures. Lectures on "Fundamentals of the Cumanology".

2012 - St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Faculty of History. Lectures on "Contemporary Islam in the Balkans".
From 2016 - "Islamic Aspects of the Nationalism on the Balkans"


Bulgarian; German, Russian; English; Turkish

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